Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Mühendislik Fakültesi
İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü

Corporate Information

MISSION: The mission of the Department of Civil Engineering is to provide a quality education that will produce undergraduate graduates who have a successful career that is open to competition at the international level, and to be a department where basic concepts are taught with application and project-based approaches in accordance with real engineering practices in various sub-branches of Civil Engineering.

VISION: In the undergraduate education of the Department of Civil Engineering, it aims to rank high in the researches in the sub-branches of Civil Engineering and in the services it will provide to the public in line with its basic mission. Our department will make significant contributions to the economic development of the country, the region and the people.


Educational Objectives of the Department of Civil Engineering:

1. Ability to continue their careers in Civil Engineering and related fields, especially Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structure Design and Applications, Building Inspection and Material Laboratories, Geotechnical Applications, Hydraulic Applications, Transportation Structures, Project Management, in the public or private sector.

2. Ability to successfully use the knowledge and skills learned at the undergraduate level in professional business life and/or postgraduate education in Civil Engineering or related fields.

3. Knowing the social and ethical responsibilities of his/her job and being able to continue his/her professional development with the awareness of lifelong learning.